it is on the TV, on the newspapers and on the internet. and even instant messaging systems are flooded with it. what is this so called earth hour?
klik below for info...
>>>earth hour<<<
in my opinion, earth hour is like a JOKE. if we shutdown the power for just one hour, how that can really affect this world... because in the end, we keep on wasting energy the whole other 8759 hours.
and i ve been informed that concerts and many other wasting time, energy and money events are being conducted to promotes this so called earth hour. it is just another bluff created by some so called earth lover who are actually going to make more and more profits.
if you really love the earth you live in, save energy. dont waste energy on playing games, watching tv, switching on the light while u r not using it, using water heater, decrease ur phone usage, recycle recyclable items and many more.
i am just one person. and i dun support this.
Apo kono eh jang???
9 years ago
1 comment:
Salam bro, ni komen aku kt blog azym bkenaan komen ko psl E.H.
"Aku nk komen skit cik hubahuba 2... Erm, rasanya dia perlu buka skit minda tu.
Kalo nk kata ttg kiamat, itu mmg sudah pasti berlaku.
Earth Hour ni hanyalah simbolik utk melihat kesatuan umat manusia dlm menyokong pengurangan penggunaan tenaga elektrik yg bisa mewujudkan fenomena pemanasan global.
Pernah tak terfikir, Question Behind Question?
Kita bertanya pd diri kita apa yg kita buat, bkn bertanya pd org lain apa yg dorg buat. Wallahua'alam.."
Papehal cuba rujuk sini
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