Tuesday, July 28, 2009


kito ni bolom merdeka,
sobab kito masih nak jadi fanatik cito jopon dan korea...

kito ni bolom merdeka,
sobab kito masih nak tiru yang sosek barek dari amerika...

kito ni bolom merdeka,
sobab kito masih berangan yo nak jadi kayo,

kito ni bolom merdeka,
sobab kito masih laie melepak tak buek kojo kek dataran merdeka,

kito ni bolom merdeka,
sobab kito masih duduk dopan komputer men game takdo pekdah,

kito ni bolom merdeka,
sobab kito masih dikelilingi asap rokok berkopo-kopo,

kito ni bolom merdeka,
sobab kito masih kurang yang jadi doktor,

kito ni bolom merdeka,
sobab kita masih ramai yang takdo kojo,

kito ni bolom merdeka,
sobab kito masih bergantung pado mak bapak,

kito ni bolom merdeka,
sobab kito masih laie berbohong,

kito ni bolom merdeka,
sobab kito masih laie bolom bebas,
masih terbelenggu,
masih terjajah,

kito ni bolom merdeka,
sobab kito masih bolom membuko minda,
masih tido dongan nyonyak dan seleso,
masih bodorai tawo tak tontu halo dopan telebisen,
masih boleh meghaso aman dari sekso allah...

merdekakanlah diri anda...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Looking at the mirror on the other side

have you ever looked at the mirror, from the other side?

usually, we look at the mirror and see ourself. we see how we look like. but, if we see the mirror from the other side, we can see the condition of the mirror.

mirror represent the people around us. the people around us will tell us how we look like. "you look handsome today" "nice dress" "where did you get your hair done?" "you are beautiful" "you look fat"

we only think about ourself.
have you ever cared if the mirror is dusty on its backside?
have you ever cared if the mirror is lying to you?
have you ever cared how you are being manipulated by the mirror?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Give and Take

nowadays, i see we tend to take rather than giving.
most of the time, we always ask, "what i get back in return".
my point is, why can't we do something without asking something for return?
we keep on taking but how much we have given?
if all of us are taking, who is going to give?
in the end, we end up taking what is not ours and do illegal things.

we must remember, sincerity is the key to happiness.

being sincere does not mean you get nothing back at all. being sincere mean your willingness to help without asking why should i help. once you make a good deed, there is a happiness, a good feeling that reliefs your self. this show how our innerself likes to help and giving.

taking others people rights wont make us feel happy. our innerself always feels the guilt and not happy. in the end, we put ourself into a very stressful situation that will eventually bring us down...

we need to prior ourself into giving as long as we are able to.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A sailor story

recently i met a friends, who is about to be a marine engineer. he is still studying, but already sailing around malaysia.

one of his story that interest me is about his experiences when he is newly admitted to the academy. one of his job is to check the engine room. once, his supervisor told him to enter the engine room, and look for 4 colored wires and tell him what colors they are. unfortunately, when he enters the room, all he can see are black wires. he went outside to meet his supervisor.

"what colors are they?"
"black, sir"
"are you stupid?" and a punch strike his stomach.
"go back in there!"

while containing his pain, he reenters the room and checked the wires again. now he realize that the wires are coverd with dust and dirt that makes it look black. after wiping the wires, he can see the color of the wires.

and he has learned a hard lesson.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Why don't we give love one more chance?

Why can't we give love that one more chance?
Why can't we give love,
give love,
give love,
give love,
give love,
give love,
give love,
give love?
'Cos love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care for the people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way of caring about ourselves

taken from the lyrics of Under Pressure - performed by Queen.

Love is troublesome when you don't put it to good use.

Love with your heart.
Use your mind to love.

Killing is my nature

One of the human nature is killing.
But, we kill on purpose.
One of that purpose is to feed ourselves.
Islam has put a very strict rule and procedure when killing.
We can kill an animal when we want to eat by slaughtering it on its throat, cutting the two breathing vanes [trachea and aesophagus] of the animal completely in the name of allah.
There is also types of animals that can be slaughtered to be eaten. Porks are forbidden, and other animals such as carnivores. Cows, Goat, chicken and other livestocks are those that can be slaughtered.

WE DO KILL! but we have limits.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

We are connected to each other

we will find something in common somewhere.
if we give time to understand each other.
understand to be understood.
in someways, we are connected to each other.
but, we don't really pay attention to it.
and sometimes we just realize when it is too late...